Monday, April 18, 2011

Out and about in Botanic Gardens

The bird life is wonderful, the cockatoos are very nosy.
A magnificent old tree  with a branch nearly touching the ground having partly broken away from the trunk.Angel Trumpets in Rathbourne Lodge garden

Government house steps overlooking the garden.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Here and there

On my way to catch the ferry,I passed the Herb Garden, the sculpture at the top of the steps, something new to me and different. There is so much to see and sketch in these wonderful Gardens; each time I join friends to sketch I see something new, like the old knarled tree overlooking the Harbour, with of course a cheeky Ibis hoping for a feed.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fantasy1: Bark from three different Gum Trees, amazing how t...

Fantasy1: Bark from three different Gum Trees, amazing how t...: "Bark from three different Gum Trees, amazing how the colours vary. Black Bamboo at Royal Botanic Gardens intersperced with the yello..."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bark from three different Gum Trees, amazing how the colours vary.

Black Bamboo at Royal Botanic Gardens intersperced with the yellow green, some of the black had grafitti which I thought made an interesting sketch.

A cheeky Ibis, in front of the Lotus pond hoping for a feed. 
Old and rusty wheel barrows out side the RBG shop, not easy to sketch.